Frank Kelly III
As a former high school and college football and lacrosse player, current executive in a growing family business, and parent of four fantastic children and two beautiful daughters-in-law, the last thing my teammates, coworkers, family and friends would have expected me to do is produce a picture book about birds and flowers.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic (which is unfortunately still happening at the time of this writing), I have taken many pictures of birds and flowers, and the enclosed are my favorites. The funniest pictures, however, had to be the ones my wife and children secretly took of me taking pictures of birds and flowers. I have included one of those pictures and a recent picture of my family on this page.
This book is about much more than birds and flowers, as beautiful and amazing as they are. It is really about helping us better look, see, seek, and appreciate and experience God and His gracious blessings and provision in our lives as well. I hope you like it!

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